Agricultural Contribution of the Non-Governmental Development Organization "National Food Program - PNA" in the Fight for household Food Security in the TAMBAKI Grouping in Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)


  • Musalizi Muharabu Roger-Lafleur Searchers at the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management, University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
  • Muliri B. Lucien Searchers at the Shalom University of Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
  • Mukandama Ndolandola Searchers at the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management, University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
  • Kisembo Kabagambe Searchers at the Shalom University of Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
  • Kitambo Bondele Rebecca Searchers at the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management, University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)


Contribution, NGO, struggle, Food Security, Tambaki grouping


This article resulting from the synthesis of the work of the end of the university cycle aims to make a deep knowledge of effectiveness of contribution of the projects carried out by PNA in the promotion of food security in the Tambaki grouping. The farmers in this group had been selected for this study because they benefited from PNA interventions. For this purpose, the beneficiaries have proven in very concrete terms that the interventions of the National Food Program provide a practical and effective solution in improving the agricultural production system. This has allowed an increase in agricultural productivity. The government should redefine its policy to secure humanitarian workers who come to the aid of vulnerable populations.


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How to Cite

Roger-Lafleur, M. M., Muliri B. Lucien, Mukandama Ndolandola, Kisembo Kabagambe, & Kitambo Bondele Rebecca. (2023). Agricultural Contribution of the Non-Governmental Development Organization "National Food Program - PNA" in the Fight for household Food Security in the TAMBAKI Grouping in Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 69(1), 205–212. Retrieved from


