Exploring the Classroom Environment in a Grade 7 Flipped Science Class in the Philippines
classroom environment, flipped classroom, technology integrationAbstract
The limitations of the traditional lecture method of teaching motivated teachers to transform education based on how students learn and the kind of environment they are in by integrating technology into the teaching and learning process. Using a descriptive research design, this study compared the characteristics of the classroom in a conventional classroom (CC) and a flipped classroom (FC) setting. Two intact classes of Grade 7 students participated in this study. The FC strategy investigated in this study encouraged learners to learn at their own pace by coming to class prepared for active learning activities. Class activities were observed, and classroom observation scores for each setting were gathered and analyzed. Statistical analysis showed that there was sufficient evidence to say that the classroom environment in class observation days 8, 9, 10, 13 and 14 (p-values of 0.0152, 0.0012, <0.0001, 0.0006, and <0.0001, respectively) were significantly different for the two classroom set-ups with the FC set-up showing a better classroom environment than the CC in terms of productivity, quality of feedback, language modeling, instructional learning format, and concept development. During the first four days of implementation, there was a lack of a pleasant atmosphere, effective behavior management, high-quality feedback, high levels of productivity, and the creation of new concepts. In addition, the action undertaken by the teacher/researcher to address the challenges in developing a positive classroom environment in the flipped classroom was discussed in this study.
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