The Use and Creation of the Spreadsheet for Teaching and Simulation of a Cooling Tower for Engineering


  • Yuri Tadashi Miura Pereira e Souza Federal University of Amazonas, Address, Manaus, Brazil
  • Gabriela de Mattos Veroneze Federal University of Amazonas, Address, Manaus, Brazil


Cooling Tower, Unitary Operations, Excel, VBA, Simulation, Education


During the Covid-19 Pandemic, many activities of engineering courses were paralyzed due to the impediment of using the physical facilities of universities, in particular the Federal University of Amazonas located in the heart of the forest. In order for the students to reduce their learning loss, the present work presents an iterative simulation in VBA of various equipment present in the manufacturing industry in the region, the choice to create their own simulations was due to the lack of budget for the purchase of a software. To validate the data found, these were compared with the literature, at the end of the discipline of manufacturing processes, the students also completed a satisfaction survey that showed that the use of low-cost virtual simulation tools was well accepted by the students.


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How to Cite

Yuri Tadashi Miura Pereira e Souza, & Gabriela de Mattos Veroneze. (2023). The Use and Creation of the Spreadsheet for Teaching and Simulation of a Cooling Tower for Engineering. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 69(1), 325–330. Retrieved from


