Social Interaction of Visitor Communities the Existence of Several Types of Tourism Park in Bogor City West Java Province


  • Abubakar Iskandar Lecturer of the Graduate School of Djuanda University
  • Desi Hasbiyah Communication Science Study Program Djuanda University


social interaction, visitor community, tourist attractions, regional income, tourism tax


The tourism industry has quite profitable prospects, depending on the direction of management. If the management is centralized or is in the interest of individuals or groups, it is impossible to achieve the ideals of ecotourism which is a civil industry that can increase regional income and employ hundreds of workers. The research objective is to explain community social interaction in tourist parks; Analyzing social, cultural and social ecology; Analyze. the role and contribution of tourism to local revenue. The research uses a phenomenological paradigm. Therefore, the approach used is the office approach, personal approach, statute approach and conceptual approach. Data were analyzed through content analysis and informant perceptions. Research shows that the social interaction that occurs in the Bogor tourist park is communication which is an important thing, namely the existence of mutual expression of good behavior in speaking, attitudes and even gestures to convey messages. By developing tourism, it can provide an opportunity for the community to open informal sector businesses such as food needs, clothing, souvenirs and others. Ecological studies study the relationship between organisms and their environment, such as existing deer wildlife. The tourism sector contributes significantly to the Realization of Hotel, Restaurant, Entertainment and Regional Original Income Tax Revenue


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How to Cite

Iskandar, A., & Desi Hasbiyah. (2023). Social Interaction of Visitor Communities the Existence of Several Types of Tourism Park in Bogor City West Java Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 69(1), 142–159. Retrieved from


