Fresh and Frozen Semen Quality of Horned and Polled Bali Bulls
Horned Bali Bulls, Fresh Semen, Frozen Semen, Semen Quality, PolledAbstract
Semen quality is an important factor in the success of artificial insemination (AI). This study aims to determine the quality of fresh and frozen semen from horned and polled Bali bulls. This research was conducted at the Regional Artificial Insemination Center (RAIC) of South Sulawesi and the In Vitro Embryo Production Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University. The research materials were the semen of two horned Bali bulls and two polled Bali bulls, each 5-6 years old. Parameters observed in fresh semen include volume, pH, color, concentration, motility, viability, abnormality, and an intact plasma membrane. While the parameters in frozen semen include motility, viability, abnormality, an intact plasma membrane, acrosome integrity, and DNA integrity. Viability and abnormality were tested using eosin-nigrosin, intact plasma membrane was tested using hypoosmotic swelling (HOS), acrosome integrity was tested using formal saline, and DNA integrity was tested using acridine orange (AO). The data obtained were tested with a T-test (Independent sample test). The results showed that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between fresh and frozen semen of polled Bali bulls and horned Bali bulls on all semen quality parameters. The conclusion is that fresh and frozen semen from polled and horned Bali bulls have the same quality.
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