Comparison of Student Achievement in Teaching Analytic Geometry of Planes and Space Using GeoGebra and PowerPoint Media at STKIP Abdi Wacana in Semester VI of the Academic Year 2021/2022 in Wamena
Geometry, GeoGebra, PowerPoint, AchievementAbstract
The research examines the comparison of student learning achievement on the topic of analytic geometry of planes and spaces, which is taught using two different learning media, namely GeoGebra and PowerPoint media. This experimental research used two different experimental classes, each consisting of 14 and 15 students. The research design used is a counterbalance design because even though students' initial knowledge is homogeneous, there are still many other variables that affect the process and learning outcomes, which cannot be controlled and are not homogeneous. The research data used were pre-test and post-test scores for each treatment, which were then processed to obtain normalized gain data. Data processing was carried out using SPSS software and was preceded by an analysis of homogeneity tests and normality tests.
Based on the Wilcoxon Signed Test, it is clear that the two learning media are able to improve student learning outcomes. The paired samples test is used to compare the learning outcomes of the two learning models. The results showed that learning using GeoGebra media gave higher learning outcomes compared to using PowerPoint media. The average normalized gain difference between the two media is 0.34.
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