Risk Factors for Loss to Follow-up of ARV Therapy among HIV/AIDS-infected Patients at Paniai Regency Public Hospital, Central Papua Province
Risk Factors, Loss to Follow-up, ARV, HIV/AIDSAbstract
Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection and AIDS are worldwide issues. In 2018, there were 37.9 million HIV-positive persons worldwide. In Indonesia, 88% of patients (244,142) who had received antiretroviral (ARV) were reported to have been lost to follow up, with up to 23% (55,508) being lost to follow up. Data from Paniai Regency Public Hospital, which is recorded up to 2021, out of 486 who have had ARV therapy, there are 169 (34.8%) loss to follow-up. Objectives: This study aimed to determine risk factors for loss to follow-up of antiretroviral (ARV) therapy among HIV/HIV-infected patients in Paniai Public Hospital, Paniai Regency, Central Papua Province. Methods: This type of research is analytic with a cross sectional study approach. The population is all HIV/AIDS patients receiving ARV therapy with a total sample of 190 people. Data were retrieved from medical record fields. Data were analyzed using chi square, at a significant level of 5%. Result: The results showed that the factors associated with loss to follow-up of ARV therapy at Paniai Regency Public Hospital were education (p-value 0.000; RP = 3.344; 95% CI (2.023 – 5.528), and occupation (p-value 0.000; RP = 2.338, 95% CI (1.663 – 3.288), while factors that were not related to loss to follow-up of ARV therapy were gender (p-value 0.310 or p > ? (0.05); RP; 1.227; 95% CI (0.869 – 1.731) and duration of treatment (p-value 0.473; RP = 0.811; 95% CI (0.531–1.238).
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