Influence of Recipients of Cash Assistance in Increasing Community Welfare in Bogor City


  • Abubakar Iskandar Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Rena Muliasari Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Iwan Sumiarsa Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Muhammad Jejen Jakaria Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Siti Nur Azijah Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Yusup Supendi Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Hidayat Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Irvan Verdian Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Irmawati Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Mahmud Hafidzih Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Windi Wijayanti Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Mohamad Ma'ruf Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Dwi Cahyo Purnomo Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Wahyudin Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Asep Ubaedillah Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Muhammad Faizal Rezza Rahman Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Nazwar Samsu Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda
  • Putri Pultatia Master of Public Administration , University of Djuanda


community, poverty, empowerment, policy, welfare


Poverty is a social problem, it has become a concern at the high-level conference on the Declaration and Program of Action for social development in Copenhagen in 1995 to tackle world poverty, then it became the government's concern to provide cash social assistance. Condition this aggravated with policy restrictions social scale big impact on condition economy . During period pandemic number poverty experience enhancement 2019-2021 . Percentage re - increase in 2019 as much as 5.77 percent , an increase during the pandemic to 6.68 percent in 2020 , and thereafter increase again in 2021 to be 7.24%. this _ need cooperation deep cross- sectoral resolve poverty. Method study is purposeful associative _ for knowing connection Among two variable or more . The variables that are connected is cash social assistance as the Independent variable to well- being Public as the Dependent variable. Study this use use facility statistics . Study conducted November _ 2022.

Sample taken from two ward as many as 120 respondents. Technique data collection through observation , study bibliography , questionnaires and interviews . Analysis data through Likert scale , Weight Mean Score linear regression , Test Validity  and reliability and t test. Spearman rank test results show connection Among variable solidarity social and welfare Public enough strong . Calculation average receiver Help Social Cash categorized as well.Meaning that mechanism gift enough systematic that is the process started from government ward to RT, RW along with the total beneficiaries. Collaboration social is feeling in the same way , solidarity in a community that refers to relationships a individual with others , each other believe, each other respect ,responsibility answer for each other help in Fulfill needs between fellow.


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How to Cite

Iskandar, A., Rena Muliasari, Iwan Sumiarsa, Muhammad Jejen Jakaria, Siti Nur Azijah, Yusup Supendi, Hidayat, Irvan Verdian, Irmawati, Mahmud Hafidzih, Windi Wijayanti, Mohamad Ma’ruf, Dwi Cahyo Purnomo, Wahyudin, Asep Ubaedillah, Muhammad Faizal Rezza Rahman, Nazwar Samsu, & Putri Pultatia. (2023). Influence of Recipients of Cash Assistance in Increasing Community Welfare in Bogor City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 67(2), 326–341. Retrieved from


