Peri-Urban Agriculture and its Impacts on Smallholder livelihoods in Arusha, Tanzania
Africa, Tanzania, Farming systems, Livelihood, Peri-urban agriculture, Smallholder farmersAbstract
Urban population in Tanzania is increasing alarmingly, creating an increased demand for food by both peri-urban and urban dwellers. Meeting this demand has been challenging, and thus, this research examined the existing farming systems in peri-urban areas and how these farming systems contribute to smallholder livelihoods. Data were collected using mixed research methods, namely, an in-depth interview with an extension officer, a focus group of 8 farmers, and a household survey of 150 farmers. Initially, the data were analysed using descriptive statistics and then the association between variables were explored using chi-square and Spearman’s rank-order correlation analysis. The peri-urban farming area per household is small with a quarter to one acre but their farming systems had both livestock and crops. Although there are no specific policies on peri-urban agriculture, households have changed their farming practices due to government and private sector interventions. It was revealed that peri-urban agriculture provides food and is the main source of income for the smallholders that helps cover health and education costs. The livelihood forms of capital varied across the study area with some having more forms of capital than others. Given the significance of peri-urban agriculture among smallholders in the study area, it is recommended that coordinated support mechanisms are developed to enhance the production and marketing.
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