Creativity as a Part of the Post-Pandemic Architectural Education: A Brief Discussion


  • Mohamed Mahmoud Saleh Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Postal Code 11617, Egypt, Department of Architectural Engineering, Future University in Egypt, New Cairo, Postal Code 11865, Egypt
  • Morad Abdelkader Abdelmohsen Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Postal Code 11617, Egypt
  • Samir Hosny Department of Architectural Engineering, Future University in Egypt, New Cairo, Postal Code 11865, Egypt


Architectural education, Post-pandemic, Creativity, Positive stress, Critical thinking, Creative thinking, Objective-based creativity


The current study discusses the importance of the creativity in architectural education, with a focus on the challenges and their implications on students, educators, and institutions. This study revisits a vision of an educational model for post-pandemic architecture education and discuss the necessary approaches for educators and educational institutions to foster creativity. This study directly reacts to the demand on the pandemic's effect on conventional education by using an instructional approach. This paper contributes to reconceptualizing of a novel approach that is targeted to tackle architectural education challenges in a post pandemic age through foster creativity models. The proposed creativity models are creative and critical thinking, neutral and positive stress, and objective-based creativity. These models are further developed using a thematic analysis process to be integrated in the educational model.


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How to Cite

Mohamed Mahmoud Saleh, Morad Abdelkader Abdelmohsen, & Hosny, S. (2022). Creativity as a Part of the Post-Pandemic Architectural Education: A Brief Discussion. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 64(1), 231–242. Retrieved from


