Teacher’s Readiness towards Online Distance Learning in Science Teaching in the New Normal


  • May-Ann G. Palero San Francisco National High School, DepEd – Surigao del Norte, 8401, Philippines
  • Romel C. Mutya Mambaling National High School, DepEd – Cebu City, 6000, Philippines


distance education, new normal, online learning, science teaching, teacher’s readiness


This study aims to assess teacher’s readiness towards online distance learning in science teaching in the new normal in terms of technical skills, communication skills, attitudes towards online learning, and time management. Specifically, it determines the profile of the respondents, the significant difference between teachers’ readiness and their profile, and estimates teachers’ readiness based on the profile using a predictive model. Using a researcher-made questionnaire, this analytical research design gathered data from 39 science teachers through purposive sampling from the secondary schools. Gathered data were systematically treated and analyzed utilizing descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage count, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and regression analysis. Results revealed that teachers’ readiness in terms of technical skills, communication skills, attitude towards online distance learning, and time management was high. There was a significant difference in time management according to age and technical skills when grouped according to the number of relevant trainings attended. Based on the identified predictors, the predictive model for teachers’ readiness is Mean score (Teachers’ Readiness) = 3.002 - (0.149*Age) + (0.201*Training), which implies that teachers are ready towards online distance learning in science teaching in the new normal. In conclusion, teacher’s readiness towards online distance learning was high in all indicators. Science teachers face challenges and struggles but still acquire competencies needed in the online teaching and learning environment.


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How to Cite

May-Ann G. Palero, & Romel C. Mutya. (2022). Teacher’s Readiness towards Online Distance Learning in Science Teaching in the New Normal. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 63(1), 132–154. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/14272


