The Security and Defence Cooperation in the Visegrad Group – Actual and Alternative Formats of Cooperation


  • Elena Temelkovska Anevska Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University “St.Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola, Str.“Partizanska” B.B., 7000 Bitola, North Macedonia


Central-Eastern Europe, cooperation, defense, security, Visegrad Group


In the last 30 years, the Visegrad Group (V4) is identified as the most noticeable and constant format of regional cooperation between states in Central Europe and a significant collective player. All four countries from the V4 are able to function as separate actors in different policies and activities, but their perception as a group of countries is more emphasized in the presentation of V4 as a successful model of cooperation. In a various occasions its existence has been challenged by other forms of regional cooperation, but the V4 remained stable through the years. In recent decade, all four member states of the Visegrad Group have experienced the possible creation of parallel regional alliances that could offer them a new platform if any of them decide to leave the Visegrad Group. The paper sections focus on the security aspects of cooperation. It locates the beginnings of their regional cooperation and the possible effects of future cooperation alternatives regarding their security policy. The paper also analyzes their mutual relationship and their relations with other forms or models of security and defence cooperation in Europe, emphasizing the changes that happened in the last decades in the fields of security and defence. The paper also deals with the successes and failures of their security cooperation so far and the future security challenges for the V4 countries.


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How to Cite

Temelkovska Anevska, E. (2022). The Security and Defence Cooperation in the Visegrad Group – Actual and Alternative Formats of Cooperation. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 62(2), 357–365. Retrieved from


