Prevalence of Learning Difficulties with Dyslexia in Higher Education Students


  • Enes Ismeti Master of Arts in English Linguistics and in English Language Teaching, South East European University, Fehmi Lladrovci, Prizren 20000, Kosovo
  • Ernest Ismeti Master in English Linguistics, University of Prishtina, Fehmi Lladrovci, Prizren 20000, Kosovo


Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Academic performance


The purpose of this paper is to shed light to learning difficulties in higher education students. More precisely, to understand the prevalence of these learning difficulties in students. Through literature and research, both domestic and international, this research incorporates the factology and decomposes it in the best possible way from a professional point of view. The research is quantitative, has an analytical and comparative approach. It was realized in 10 Universities of the Republic of Kosovo. As a random sample there are 200 professors of these universities, whose opinion has been decisive for this research. Data collection was carried out through a quantitative approach, while the measuring instrument is the questionnaire for professors, which was taken from (NCLD, 2017) authors of which after conducting their research provided that 15 million students, adolescents, and adults with learning difficulties can be successful in university, work and in life. The data was analyzed through the program SPSS v.22 and through these analyzes the correlation between the learning difficulties and the professional training of professors in this aspect was seen. Data analysis was performed through three tests, respectively correlation test, Hi2 test as well as factor analysis, tests that have led us to the conclusion that learning difficulties are present in university students in Kosovo. The assumption that professors do not have sufficient preparation to deal with students with such difficulties has been refuted as professors have proven otherwise. Dyslexia and dysgraphia are the most common difficulties encountered in university students, but even dyscalculia and dyspraxia do not lag behind. During the analysis, another variable found which has not been the subject of study, is that such difficulties significantly affect the performance of students in the classroom. The combination of all reduces the motivation of students for work.


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How to Cite

Enes Ismeti, & Ernest Ismeti. (2022). Prevalence of Learning Difficulties with Dyslexia in Higher Education Students. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 63(1), 73–105. Retrieved from


