An Overview of Africa’s Precarious Positioning in Knowledge Society


  • Dr Sazir Nsubuga Mayanja PhD School of Post Graduate Studies, University of Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda, +256 776 843203
  • Mabingo Sharif Hakim Cavendish University, Kampala


Africa, doctorates, knowledge society, publications, research supervision


The study examines what Africa’s role and position were and are in the generation, dissemination and use of knowledge in the world.   Some of the factors which contribute to the status are explored. The methodology used has been rigorous review of articles in credible peer reviewed journals, conference papers, books, chapters, theses and dissertations, research projects and the internet. The data gathered thus has been synthesized, correlated and conclusions drawn. The study established that Africa is currently precariously positioned in knowledge society despite a glamorous past. When favourably rated, the continent contributes only 2% of global research. Its expenditure in this important area constitutes only 1.3 % of that of the whole world.  It is therefore not surprising that of the patents globally registered, Africa’s share is a mere 0.1%. Additionally, in comparison to the UK, USA and the other developed western economies who boast of 4,000 researchers per one million of their population, Africa has 198 researchers for a similar number of people. The research findings add to the stock of knowledge, and will among other benefits, help policy makers, funders and implementers appreciate the enormity of the task before them. It is also a contribution, albeit a token, to improving Africa’s position in knowledge society.


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How to Cite

Dr Sazir Nsubuga Mayanja PhD, & Mabingo Sharif Hakim. (2022). An Overview of Africa’s Precarious Positioning in Knowledge Society. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 62(1), 205–220. Retrieved from


