Regional Economic Analysis - Economic-Geographical Aspects


  • Dimitar Simeonov Department of Geography, Faculty of History, St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Theodosii Tarnovsky str, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 5000.


regional analysis, sustainable development, sustainable economy, comparative method


The economic analysis of each region in a country should take into account the specific interaction of natural, social and economic factors that ensure the uniqueness of a particular territory, its potential for self-development and interaction with other territories. The regional economic analysis should reveal the economic aspects of the spatial differentiation of the socio-economic development and the connections of the territories in the conditions of uneven distribution and limited mobility of the resources; the degree and type of availability of the production entities; trends in economic and social development; the mechanisms for solving inherited and permanently manifesting regional problems. This report is an attempt at an individual approach in the development of a rigorous algorithm for the full economic analysis of a region (?n the context of the regional analysis of the Bulgarian economy), for which a wide range of analysis methods has been applied.


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How to Cite

Simeonov, D. (2022). Regional Economic Analysis - Economic-Geographical Aspects. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 62(1), 96–106. Retrieved from


