Antibacterial Activity of Rubus multibreatus Le’vl Plant Extracts Against Staphylococcus aureus
Bacterial inhibition, solvent extraction, flavonoids, true tannins, Gallic acidAbstract
The genus Rubus is a family of shrubs and mostly edible berries such as rasp berries, blue berries, strawberries. Of the 2208 species, 331 are documented (3,) and about 139 native to China, and being a wild plant, it can grow anywhere except for Antarctica (1) and with a wide variety as well as fairly similar phyto-components(2). Rubus multibreatus is commonly known in China as Da wu pao, its leaves used in teas and to locally treat stomach upsets, haemorrhoids and rheumatism, (1). Over years, due to a variety of intraspecies, it has acquired different synonyms, which include; R.mallodes, R.andropoga, R.clinocephalus, R.pluribracteatus, R.terminalia and R.macroptera (4)
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