Using Sludge Palm Oil Mill Effluent (SPOME) as Results of Treatment with Natural Coagulants of Morage Seeds (Moringa oleifera) as Organic Fertilizer


  • Hamsyin Postgraduate Program of Management of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarbaru, Indonesia
  • Salamiah Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru, Indonesia
  • Mijani Rahman Faculty of Fisheries and Marine , University of Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru, Indonesia
  • Fakhrur Razie Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru, Indonesia


Sludge Palm Oil Mill Effluent (SPOME), Moringa seed powder coagulant (Moringa oleifera), Organic Fertilizer


The application of Sludge POME which has been treated with Moringa seed powder coagulant (Moringa oleifera) aims to determine its effect on soil fertility and its effect on the growth of chicory (Brassica rapa) as a test plant so that it is suitable as organic fertilizer. The parameters observed in this study consisted of 2, namely: a. The vegetative parameters of the test plants were plant height, number of leaves and fresh weight of biomass; b. Soil fertility parameters are: pH, N, P,-available, K - available, C - Organic. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and five replications. The data collected from the research results are processed by the F test (at the level of accuracy of 5% and 1%), if the results of the F test indicate a significant difference as a result of the research treatment, it will be continued with the BNT test (smallest significant difference) at the 5% level. The experimental results show that: 1. The tendency of changes in the pH value in relation to the increase in the dose of addition of sludge indicates that, the higher the dose given, the higher the pH value of the soil. This happens before planting and after harvesting. This is presumably because in the sludge there are components of exchangeable bases such as K, Na, Ca and Mg which can neutralize the solubility of H+ ions; 2.Type of change in Organic C value increases in line with the increase in sludge dosage. This is because the main source of Organic C is the organic matter present in the sludge; 3. The pattern of increasing the total N content in the soil before and after planting was closely related to the dose of addition of sludge to the soil. However, qualitatively, increasing the dose of sludge from 200 g to 800 g did not change the status of the presence of Total N in the soil. All are in Medium status; 4. The availability of P in the soil, after harvesting, showed that treatments P1, P2, P3 and P4 showed an increasing effect on the available P content in the soil. For P4 treatment (a dose of 800 g) caused a change in the availability of soil P status from Medium to High. This condition was caused by the mineralization process of total P in the sludge and the presence of organic acids that helped release P in soil colloids; 5. Total K content, the effect of sludge application causes an increase in the available K content in the soil after harvesting. This is because there is a supply of K available from the decomposition process of the organic matter content in the sludge; 6. The effect of increasing the dose of sludge is positively correlated with the increase in height of mustard plants after harvest. This is illustrated by the results of a very strong correlation test with a value of r = 0.96; 7. The increase in sludge dose on the increase in mustard leaves after harvest showed a very strong relationship. This can be seen from the value of r = 0.92. This condition was presumably because the sludge contained sufficient N to support the growth of mustard leaves; 8. There is a very strong relationship between the increase in the wet weight of mustard leaves and the increase in sludge dose, the relationship tends to increase from treatment P0 to P4. Based on the results of the correlation test, it shows a very strong relationship with the value of r = 0.96.


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How to Cite

Hamsyin, Salamiah, Mijani Rahman, & Fakhrur Razie. (2021). Using Sludge Palm Oil Mill Effluent (SPOME) as Results of Treatment with Natural Coagulants of Morage Seeds (Moringa oleifera) as Organic Fertilizer. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 60(5), 158–172. Retrieved from


