Leadership Effectiveness toward Service Productivity


  • Grace Jenny Soputan Manado State University
  • Tini Mogea


Service Productivity, Leadership Effectiveness, efficiency


Service Productivity is a attitude of mind to find out the way to improve what already exist in a sustainable manner by considering the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of source in the organization in order to help and satisfy others. Leadership effectiveness is the process of influencing and organizing members of the organization to do the task in obtaining the objective of the organization. This research aims to analyze the influence of leadership effectiveness toward service productivity. The method used in this research is survey; the technique for data collection is questionnaire. The respondents are 91 employee consisting of group/rank III and IV in SKPDs that implement licensing services.

Author Biography

Grace Jenny Soputan, Manado State University

Manajemen, Economics Faculty


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How to Cite

Soputan, G. J., & Mogea, T. (2014). Leadership Effectiveness toward Service Productivity. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(1), 103–110. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/1356


