Strategy to Accelerate the Impact of Road and Port Development on Economic Growth and Social Development of the Community of South Kelumpang District
Strategy, Road, Port, Growth, Social, EconomicAbstract
The development of road and port infrastructure aims to provide changes to people's lives in an area. The construction of roads and ports will open wide access to the community. Likewise for the construction of roads and ports in the South Kelumpang District, Kotabaru Regency. The purpose of this study is to formulate a Strategy for Accelerating the Impact of Road and Port Development on Economic Growth and Social Development of the South Kelumpang District Community. The research was conducted from February to April 2021 in South Kelumpang District, Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach, with the type of research used was a survey. The type of data used in this research is primary data. The data collection method used in this research is the survey method. Respondents in the study were expert respondents as many as 5 people consisting of; 2 academics, 2 policy makers and 1 practitioner. The data analysis method used in this research is SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).
The results of the study obtained that the formulation of a strategy for accelerating the impact of road and port development on economic growth and social development, consisting of; 1) Optimizing the potential of palm oil and other natural resources by increasing the production of FFB and other Commodities, 2) Optimizing the presence of CCO mills and the existence of PT. Sinar Mas for the welfare of the community, 3) Increasing supervision and sanctions on excess tonnage, 4) Increasing public awareness and concern on road and port infrastructure, 5) Improving the quality of road and port maintenance, 6) Improving the welfare of the community around roads and ports, 7) Imposing sanctions on excess tonnage, and 8) Increasing active community participation in maintaining road and port infrastructure. In addition, based on the results of the evaluation of internal and external factors, it was found that the current condition is classified as growing (stable), and so that the acceleration of the impact/influence of road and port development can be quickly achieved, it is recommended to carry out an aggressive strategy.
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