The Effectiveness of Reusable Menstrual Cloth Pads to Reduce Urinary Tract Infections: A Study in Payo Selincah, Jambi - Indonesia


  • Diniyati Midwifery Department of Jambi Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Nuraidah
  • Rosmaria
  • Imelda Midwifery Department of Jambi Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Indonesia


Effectiveness, Reusable menstrual cloth pads, UTI, Jambi


This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Reusable Menstrual Cloth Pads (RMCP) to reduce urinary tract infections among women in Payo Salincah, Jambi – Indonesia. The study was a quasi-experimental study with two groups of pre and post-test design. The sample consisted of 48 women of 15-20 years old chosen by random sampling. The study was conducted in March – October 2020. The respondents were divided into 2 groups namely control and experimental groups. The result of this study showed that p-Value was 0.001 which meant there was significant difference between RMCP and FMP in reducing UTI. The mean of RMCP was 1.30±0.067 and FMP’s mean was 1.49±0.074. This result showed that RMCP was more effective in reducing UTI among women in Selincah Payo, Jambi.


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How to Cite

Diniyati, Nuraidah, Rosmaria, & Imelda. (2021). The Effectiveness of Reusable Menstrual Cloth Pads to Reduce Urinary Tract Infections: A Study in Payo Selincah, Jambi - Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 60(3), 271–277. Retrieved from


