Foreign and Indonesia Empowerment Models and Strategies in Foreign Companies in Indonesia


  • Daden Fikruzzaman Islamic Broadcasting Communication Study Program College of Islamic Da'wah and Broadcasting, West Java, Indonesia
  • Zahid Mubarok Ibn Khaldun University Bogor West Java Indonesia
  • Abubakar Iskandar Public Administration Study Program Djuanda University Bogor West Java Indonesia
  • Faisyal Science Communication Study Program Bung Karno University. Jakarta


model, strategy, foreign workers, discrimination Indonesian workers, salary


In accordance with the weaknesses of the community empowerment model, an alternative model is adopted through the "Process of Learning" approach which includes four dimensions, namely the structural dimension, the cognitive dimension, the moral dimension and the participatory dimension. The objectives of this study are: Describe the Model and Strategy of Manpower Empowerment, Analyze workforce assistance in foreign companies. Comparing the payroll system for foreign and Indonesian workers, revealing the discrimination of foreign and Indonesian workers. The design in this study was cross sectional, the data collected were primary and secondary data. Sampling was done by means of clusters. There were 233 respondents and the data were analyzed through content analysis. The research results show that (1) a model and strategy has been formulated in the empowerment of Asian Workers and Indonesian Workers, (2) After conducting a survey at the foreign company, foreign language training assistance materials and other materials are formulated for both Foreign Workers and Workers. Indonesian Workers, (3) After conducting the survey, it is known that the payroll system between Foreign Workers and Indonesian Workers is different and is not based on the expertise of the workforce, (4) The research results show that in particular Chinese companies do not provide opportunities for Indonesian Workers to Friday prayers and five daily prayers and other worship services


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How to Cite

Daden Fikruzzaman, Zahid Mubarok, Abubakar Iskandar, & Faisyal. (2022). Foreign and Indonesia Empowerment Models and Strategies in Foreign Companies in Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 62(1), 185–197. Retrieved from


