The Moderating Role of Brand Image in Academic Culture and Selection Decisions Relationships of Private Universities in Bali
Academic Culture, Brand Image, Selection DecisionAbstract
The high level of competition between universities encourages the university management to compete to create effective marketing strategies to attract prospective students to register. The purchase decision is one of the most important aspects of a marketing strategy. Academic culture and brand image are factors that can improve purchasing decision. Purchasing decision in this educational context are about college selection decision by students. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of academic culture on brand image, the influence of brand image on the selection decision of private universities in Bali Province, as well as the moderating role of brand image on the influence of academic culture and selection decision of private universities in Bali Province. This research is an associative study with data collection techniques using survey methods and then analyzed using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The respondents in this study were 150 new students from the Institute of Technology and Business STIKOM Bali, STIKI, STIMIK Primakara, STD Bali, STIMIK Bandung Bali, and STIMIK Denpasar. The results of the research show that academic culture has a significant effect on brand image and selection decision. Likewise, brand image also has a significant effect on selection decision. Brand image acts as a moderator that strengthens the relationship between academic culture and selection decision.
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