Tanzania’s small-scale sunflower farmers: Upgrading the value chain


  • Enock S. Ugulumu
  • Eno L. Inanga


Edible oils, value chain, relationships, linkages and upgrading.


A questionnaire using a psychometric scale investigated how small-scale sunflower farmers perceive the role of building relationships based on demand-driven upgrades, such as knowledge, skills, technology, and support services within the value chain. The study focused on small-scale sunflower farmers in the Singida region of Tanzania. The survey was conducted in twelve Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives (AMCOs) with 229 respondents.

The respondents had positive opinions about creating core competencies, concluding that adopting new capabilities, especially with tangible assets such as extension officers, financing, warehouses, and technology, can lead to improved productivity and quality. The information flow from sunflower buyers and consumers is crucial for creating a positive image and hence creating value for farmers. Farmers require negotiating skills that could be attained through improved associations or cooperatives. Respondents also indicated positive benefits if the sector


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How to Cite

Ugulumu, E. S., & Inanga, E. L. (2013). Tanzania’s small-scale sunflower farmers: Upgrading the value chain. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 10(1), 126–145. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/1339


