Innovative Public Relations Strategy “Mal m” in Building a Positive Image During New Normal


  • Citra Apriani Gunadarma University, Master of Communication Science, Depok. West Java
  • Edy Prihantoro Gunadarma University, Master of Communication Science, Depok. West Java
  • Noviawan Rasyid Ohorella Gunadarma University, Master of Communication Science, Depok. West Java


Innovative Strategy, Public Relations, Building, Positive Image, New Normal


With the implementation of the new normal, many malls are reopening according to health protocol standards. New normal is a change in behavior to continue to do activities as usual by implementing health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Enforcement of new habits is not easy, because there are still many people who are afraid to come to visit the mall. At times like this, Public Relations has a role, to respond to this in restoring public confidence to visit again, by implementing standard health protocols. This study uses a qualitative approach. The method used in this research is a case study which aims to find out, investigate and understand an event or problem that has occurred by collecting various kinds of information which is then processed to obtain a solution so that the problems revealed can be resolved. The results showed that the innovative strategy carried out by Public Relations "Mal M" in building a positive image during the Covid-19 Pandemic was successfully implemented and received a positive response from the community. Innovative strategy carried out by PR "Mal M" by holding several events/activities, CSR, News (positive news involving the media), Publications, and Lobbying and Negotiation Techniques, with the aim of being able to build trust and a positive image of the company in the New Normal period this.


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How to Cite

Citra Apriani, Edy Prihantoro, & Noviawan Rasyid Ohorella. (2021). Innovative Public Relations Strategy “Mal m” in Building a Positive Image During New Normal. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 60(3), 262–270. Retrieved from


