Analysis of Drug Needs for Basic Health Services in Bombana District Health Department of the Year 2021


  • Aditya Noor Master Program in Public Health, Postgraduate at Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia
  • Asnia Zainuddin Master Program in Public Health, Postgraduate at Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia
  • Laode Muhammad Sety Master Program in Public Health, Postgraduate at Halu Oleo University Kendari, Indonesia


Planning The Drug, Basic Health Services


Health service units are required to provide quality health services and plenary included in the service of medicine. Planning the drug as one of the functions of management logistics health, aims to plan and determine the needs as well as the procurement of drugs to meet the needs of basic Health services. This study aims to analyze the process of planning the drug conducted by the Department of Health District Bombana. Types of qualitative Research approach case study. Data collection is done through observation, document review and in-depth interviews to the Head of the Pharmacy Installation District Bombana, Section of Pharmacy, the Staff of the planning the installation of the pharmaceutical, and the Head of the Department of Health District Bombana. The results showed that each of the Planning stages of the drug in the analysis based on the standard guidelines for the planning of drug Pharmacy Installation District issued by the Ministry of Health. Several stages of the planning has been done well, but not the whole stage of the planning is done in accordance with the guidelines between the other stages of the selection of drugs is not done by a Team of Planning the Needs of Integrated drug, on the compilation the use of the drug use of the data is not accurate and does not use the method of analysis of the budget that is effective at the stage of budget adjustments need of the drug. Conclusion; In General, the planning needs of the drug do not meet the applicable guidelines. These conditions lead to the occurrence of excess and deficiency in some items of the drug during the distribution of the current year. Advice; the need for increased management services medicine through management training drug for most planners medicines and health supplies to enhance began and skills of officers.


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How to Cite

Noor , A. ., Zainuddin , A. ., & Sety , L. M. . (2021). Analysis of Drug Needs for Basic Health Services in Bombana District Health Department of the Year 2021. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 60(3), 68–80. Retrieved from


