Analysis of the Impact of the Cohesion Policy on the Competitiveness of SMEs in Romania Benefiting from Production/Services Financing


  • Andreea Valeria Farcas PHD Candidate, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest, Romania


evaluation, operational programme, cohesion policy, impact, SMEs


This paper aims to analyze the impact of all structural instruments related to EU Cohesion Policy in regards to the SMEs there are in Romania, respectively on active SMEs in the fields of production and services. The analysis of the evaluations carried out at the level of the programs through which the Cohesion Policy is implemented covered the period of time between 2007-2020 and was carried out in the form of a meta-evaluation of the impact on the private beneficiaries of SMEs in the fields of production and services.  The purpose is to establish the extent to which the competitiveness of SMEs is influenced by the access to finance through the Cohesion Policy instruments.


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How to Cite

Farcas, A. V. . (2021). Analysis of the Impact of the Cohesion Policy on the Competitiveness of SMEs in Romania Benefiting from Production/Services Financing. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 59(2), 272–278. Retrieved from


