Environmental-Based Disease Prevention Model Based on Disease Vulnerability Index in Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia


  • Rica Denis PhD Student of Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program IPB University
  • Hasim Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry FMIPA IPB University
  • Fachriyan H Pasaribu Lecturer at the Department of Veterinary Science and Veterinary Public Health IPB University
  • Hartrisasi Hardjomidjojo Lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Industrial Engineering IPB University


Environment, susceptibility, Index


Environmental-based diseases in Kepahiang Regency tend to increase annually which will cause death if it is not handled quickly and appropriately. The incidence of the disease becomes the standard of measurement for the Community Health Development Index and Human Development Index. The purpose of this study was to determine the dimensions and indicators of environmental-based disease causes, calculate the disease susceptibility index and create a prevention model based on the disease susceptibility index obtained. The method used in this study is the modified Village Development Index (IPD) method. The environmental-based disease susceptibility index is structured into 7 dimensions, namely health services, health workers, environmental health, population, community behavior, disease control and governance which are arranged into 23 indicators. The highest disease susceptibility index in Kepahiang Regency is the pulmonary TB disease susceptibility index, which is 2.830. The DHF susceptibility index is 2.746 and the lowest is the susceptibility index to diarrhea at 2.456. The susceptibility index of the three diseases is included in the category of potentially vulnerable. If viewed from the index per dimension, the highest index is found in the community behavior dimension. The susceptibility index at the district level,  it was found that Seberang Musi and Muara Kemumu districts had high susceptibility index.

The strategy to increase the budget in improving health services, outreach to change people's behavior to be aware of health are potential steps to reduce the status of environmental-based disease vulnerability in Kepahiang Regency.


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How to Cite

Denis, R. ., Hasim, H Pasaribu, F. ., & Hardjomidjojo, H. . (2021). Environmental-Based Disease Prevention Model Based on Disease Vulnerability Index in Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 60(2), 140–152. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/12772


