Analysis of Factors Affecting Selection Decisions of Private Universities in Bali Through Brand Image Mediation Variables


  • Dadang Hermawan Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Stikom Bali, Jl. Raya Puputan No. 86, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80234, Indonesia


Promotion, Academic Culture, Cost, Brand Image, Selection Decision


The increasing number of universities has caused intense competition to attract prospective students. The level of competition in looking for students is getting higher every day. Various ways have been done, such as showing off the potential and advantages of higher education. Purchasing decisions are very important things to consider because purchasing decisions are things that are used by companies to create marketing strategies that will be carried out. Purchasing decisions in the context of education, especially universities, are the same as decisions of new students in choosing universities. Therefore, this aspect is important to note. This study aims to determine the factors that affecting the selection decision consisting of promotion, academic culture, cost, and brand image. This research is an associative study with data collection techniques using a survey method which is analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Respondents in this study were 200 new students from STIKOM Bali, STIKI, STMIK Primakara, STD Bali, STMIK Badung Bali, and STMIK Denpasar. The research results show that promotion, academic culture, and costs have a significant effect on brand image. Promotion and brand image have a significant effect on selection decisions, but costs and academic culture do not have a significant effect on selection decisions. Promotion and academic culture have a significant effect on selection decisions through brand image, but costs do not have a significant effect on selection decisions through brand image.


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How to Cite

Hermawan , D. . (2021). Analysis of Factors Affecting Selection Decisions of Private Universities in Bali Through Brand Image Mediation Variables. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 59(2), 48–60. Retrieved from


