Husband’s Role in Detecting Danger Signs of the Wife's Pregnancy through the Husband's Book


  • Lia Artika Sari Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
  • Taty Nurty Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
  • Evrina Solvia Soleh Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
  • Enny Susilawaty Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
  • Yuli Suryanti Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia


Pregnancy danger sign, Digital Book, Husband's Role


This study was to determine the effectiveness of the husband’s book android-based on the ability to detect danger signs in pregnant women. This is an experimental study of one group pre-post test design with a sample of 144 people from a population of 71,970 pregnant women in the study location. The data were then analyzed using the Paired t-test statistical test.72.2% of the husband's ability to detect danger signs in pregnant wife on the pre-test was not good, and the post-test with the percentage of the husband's ability to detect danger signs in pregnant women after being given the husband's digital book was 75.7% good. A paired t-test (p = 0.000) shows the effect of giving a husband's digital book on the husband's ability to detect danger signs of a pregnant wife. Husband's digital book has an effect on the husband's ability to detect danger signs of a pregnant wife. We suggest that the authorities establish regular procedures to increase the husband's knowledge of the danger signs of pregnant women in order to function as a companion.


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How to Cite

Sari, L. A., Nurty, T. ., Soleh, E. S. ., Susilawaty, E. ., & Suryanti, Y. . (2021). Husband’s Role in Detecting Danger Signs of the Wife’s Pregnancy through the Husband’s Book. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 59(1), 170–177. Retrieved from


