Microbiological Assessment of Soil Contaminated with Refined Petroleum: A Case Study of Eluama in Isuikwuato LGA, Abia State, Nigeria


  • Obiageli R. Ezeigbo
  • N. G. Agomoh
  • F. U. Okike-Osissiogu
  • C. Ibebuike
  • C. A. Ike-Amadi


microbiological assessment, refined petroleum oil, soil contamination, pipeline vandalization


A microbiological assessment of soil polluted by refined petroleum was carried out in Eluama community, Isuikwuato LGA, Abia State, Nigeria between March and October, 2012. The aim of the study is to examine the long-term kinetics of refined petroleum oil contaminated soil in this area from pipeline vandalization in the year 2000 and to assess the extent of biodegradation with respect to length of time of the spill. The microbiological examination of the soil samples were conducted by serial diluting and then inoculating the soil samples on different growth media. Several microbiological and biochemical methods were applied in order to isolate and identify the microorganisms accustomed to the soil sample. An unpolluted farmland served as control. Results showed a decrease in microbial load of soil as distance approaches seepage area. The control has a total heterotrophic bacteria count of 22.3 x 106 CFU/ml which decreases towards the seepage area (4.1 x 106 CFU/ml).


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How to Cite

Ezeigbo, O. R., Agomoh, N. G., Okike-Osissiogu, F. U., Ibebuike, C., & Ike-Amadi, C. A. (2013). Microbiological Assessment of Soil Contaminated with Refined Petroleum: A Case Study of Eluama in Isuikwuato LGA, Abia State, Nigeria. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 8(1), 67–73. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/1258


