The Community Perception in the Tobelo Dalam Tribe Againsts Plants as Traditional Medicine


  • Budi Prasetyo iology Study Program, FST, Open University, Cabe Raya Street, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang District, South Tangerang City, Banten Province, 15418, Indonesia


ethnobotany, qualitative, quantitative, PDM, ICS


The Tobelo Dalam people have a wealth of local knowledge about the use of medicinal plants from their ancestors and have the expertise to mix medicinal plants to treat various diseases suffered by the community. The Tobelo Dalam people have a tendency to keep the names of the types of medicinal plants they use secret. The research aims to describe the local knowledge of the Tobelo Dalam community about the names of various types of medicinal plants, their processing methods, various types of diseases, their management strategies, and to assess the importance of medicinal plants according to people's perceptions. Research uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods based on emic and ethical approaches. Data collection techniques for the use of medicinal plants using the pebble distribution method (PDM) by means of Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Assessment of the importance of medicinal plants in the culture of society is done by calculating the value of ICS (Index of Cultural Significance).

The results showed that 53 species of medicinal plants were identified from 45 clans and 35 tribes. In the social life of the Tobelo Dalam community there were 30 types of diseases classified as not at high risk of death. Some processing methods to make traditional medicine are still relatively simple, that is by boiling or soaking warm water, burning, kneading or pounding, and by sitting it. The results of the ICS assessment of various types of medicinal plants showed that 26.4% were included in the group of plants that had high ICS values (17-24); 8 types of medicinal plants (15.1%) were in the moderate category, and 31 types (58.5%) were classified as low. In terms of conservation studies, the Tobelo Dalam community has not protected the sustainability of the use of various types of medicinal plants that grow in their neighborhood.


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How to Cite

Prasetyo, B. . (2021). The Community Perception in the Tobelo Dalam Tribe Againsts Plants as Traditional Medicine. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 58(1), 131–146. Retrieved from


