Analysis of the Implementation of Digitalization of Registration and Issuance of Land Certificates: Agrarian Law Perspectives in Indonesia
land, land certificate, Permen ATR / BPN RI No.1 year 2021, information and communication technology (ICT), the 1945 Constitution 1945, IndonesiaAbstract
For the community, land has a multidimensional meaning from an economic, political, cultural and transcendental perspective. The purpose of this research is to understand the land certificate as proof of rights and proof of ownership of land rights, to analyze the application of digitalization of registration and issuance of electronic land certificates in the perspective of agrarian law in Indonesia. The method in this research is to use a normative juridical approach, an approach that refers to the prevailing laws and regulations. The results show that land is one of the main problems in Indonesia to provide protection and guarantee legal certainty where the government issues a new policy, the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Electronic Certificates (Peraruran Menteri or Permen ATR/BPN RI No.1 2021) which aims to realize the modernization of land services in order to improve the indicators of ease of doing business and public services to the community based on the optimization of the use of information and communication technology (ICT). However, these regulations must be based on aspects such as ideology, politics, economy, social, culture, law and human rights in the context of their creation and the conditions that allow them to be made in accordance with the constitution, the 1945 Constitution.
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