Factors Affecting to Demotivation of Teachers and Their Work Productivity at Secondary Schools


  • Mirali Mammadzada Riga, 1019, Latvia


Demotivation factors, Teachers Efficiency, Teachers Productivity, Demotivation


Individual and organizational performance is crucially dependent on staff or members' motivation. A very competent and well-trained team member can not work efficiently until they are motivated to do so. Research into teacher motivation is restricted both globally. Rises in student enrollment, attendance statistics, and delivery of noon meals do not reflect the accurate image of our country's school system's condition. High dropout rates from secondary to higher-level education, the blame for that lies with the educators, who are demotivated and disheartened due to lack of parental collaboration and administrative inequality. The study investigates the productivity deviations based on demotivating factors for teachers at secondary schools. Demotivational factors such as personal variables, parental collaboration, administration, infrastructure, student performance, and behavior impact teachers' efficiency at secondary schools. To meet study objectives, secondary data (structured interviews, questionnaire, profile form) were collected from the literature review of both kinds, qualitative and quantitative, to evaluate the effects of such demotivational factors on teachers' performance. Descriptive data from the case studies analyzed and its relatedness is being compared with the prominent motivational theories. It's been concluded that parental collaboration, school administration, and infrastructure affect a lot more significant than the personal attributes and profile form. Studies elaborated that the primary cause of teachers' demotivation is parents and administration. These demotivating variables reduce the average success of the instructor, which also influences the student scoring. It is advocated for parents and administrators to provide educators with a productive workforce in which they can deal with their challenges.  


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How to Cite

Mammadzada, M. . (2021). Factors Affecting to Demotivation of Teachers and Their Work Productivity at Secondary Schools. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 56(1), 373–385. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/12372


