The Evaluation of the Minimum Service Standards for Patients with Hypertension in the Work Area of the Jayapura City Health Department
Evaluation, Minimum Service Standards, HypertensionAbstract
Background: Minimum service standards (SPM, short for Standar Pelayanan Minimum in Indonesian) are provisions for the type and quality of minimum basic services that every citizen is entitled to receive. The City District Health Department has a minimum health service standard with a target of 100% consisting of health services for pregnant women, maternity, newborns, infants, primary school age, productive age, elderly people, hypertensive people, diabetes mellitus, people with severe mental disorders, suspected tuberculosis and health services for people at risk of becoming infected. The goal of meeting the Minimum Service Standards for 13 Public Health Center (Puskesmas, short for Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat in Indonesian) employed in the Jayapura City Health Department is health care facilities for people with hypertension, which is the achievement for 2018 to 22.46 percent, and in 2019 to 16.46 percent, of 13 Puskemas in Jayapura City, which have the lowest minimum Service Standards. Research Objectives: This study is intended to assess the input, process, output and outcome of the minimum standards of service in Jayapura City for hypertensive patients. Research method: Research was conducted in Hamadi Health Centre, North Jayapura Heath Center, Kotaraja Health Center, Skouw Health Centre, and Waena Community Health Centre, in the Jayapura City Health Department. The method of study is qualitative. In-depth interview guidelines collect data up to 29 informants. August 2020-January 2021 was the study time. The data have been qualitatively analyzed. Results: The findings demonstrated that in any Puskesmas, the staff supported general practitioners and paramedics and needs training in technical skills. The Ministry of Health, through the Health Department, provides the Special Operational Assistance Fund to finance 12 minimum quality standards indicators. The Puskesmas also purchased sufficient equipment and utilities. The Special Operational Assistance (BOK, short for Bantuan Operasional Khusus in Indonesian) planning process is established by the City of Jayapura Health Department and the implementation each month of hypertension services, hypertension control, tensimeter control, and manual reporting. Monitong is conducted two times a year by the Department of Health of Jayapura City. The determination of SPM priorities is less synergistic. The SPM aim did not achieve the goal due to its high goal, and the correct number of goals for Puskesmas was not decided. Drug facilities, schedules, therapy, information and education and information media have been satisfactory for people with hypertension. The waiting time for care for patients and incorporating read media in waiting time and the timeliness of departments to provide services are several items that must be changed.
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