Communication Strategy for Increasing Village Community Participation in Handling Covid-19
communication channel, communication strategy, village community participation, Covid-19, village governmentAbstract
The purpose of this research is to describe the communication strategy for increasing village community participation in handling Covid-19. A convenient communication for increasing village community participation in handling Covid-19 includes three strategies. Firstly, designing message by the senders to village community. The communication for handling Covid-19 involves the senders, namely village government and Covid-19 task force, meanwhile the messages cover the government policy, program and strategy for handling Covid-19 including the appeals of village government such as washing hands by sanitizer/soap, wearing mask, and maintaining social/physical distancing. Secondly, selecting channel, both direct and indirect. The village government supported by the Covid-19 task force in handling Covid-19 directly convey the policy and program for handling Covid-19 to the village community and indirectly convey the policy and program for handling Covid-19 through banners, flyers, and social media like whatsapp groups. Thirdly, participating receiver, namely village community. The communication strategy emphasizing the village community participation in handling Covid-19 effects on: (a) the increased village community understanding of Covid-19 information, and (b) the changed village community behavior to conduct healthy life. The effects perform the feedback for the success of the village government and Covid-19 task force in implementing the government policy, program and strategy for handling Covid-19.
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