Qualities of Effective Teachers; Factors Affecting the Teachers Commitment
Effective teachers, Teacher’s job satisfaction, administration, Teacher retention, Teacher characteristics, Teacher’s commitmentAbstract
Teaching is a demanding and complex craft. It is impossible to discuss in a page or two the characteristics and input of an effective teacher. Effective teaching is the fundamental ingredient for the success of every student. Teachers are the central figure of the educational infrastructure of any country, and have a huge role to play in shaping the destiny of their nation. It is a noble and selfless profession. The following paper provides and introduction to the literature regarding Teacher effectiveness. This paper displays the input of the teacher in a society, what challenges they have to counter, and what recommendations can be implemented to improve the development and effectiveness of the teachers. In this study the impact and importance of effective teachers in being investigated through the feedback from both the teachers and the students. And a comparison and inter relationship between the both opinions is being developed.
On the other hand Lack of teacher commitment is one of the key factors that have the potential to cause the shortage of effective teachers all over the world. There are multiple factors that might cause teachers to leave their jobs. These can be low salaries, extravagant workload, poor working conditions, low quality of teacher preparation programs, inefficient leadership etc. In the following research work a qualitative and quantitative method was implied to study the working condition environment and teacher attrition patterns. It was seen that school with satisfactory and proper working conditions displayed a better commitment and lower attrition rates. This study also documented the patterns of teacher retention rates across multiple schools, which had different policies, and student demographics.
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