Model for Improving the Commitment to Implementation of the Educational Quality Assurance Policy


  • Tikwan Siregar Dinas pendidikan Deli Serdang, Indonesia
  • Sri Milfayetty Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Darwini Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Rosmita Sari Siregar Universitas Prima Indonesia


Quality Assurance, Quality Commitment, Organizational Culture, Interpersonal Communication, Achievement Motivation, Job Satisfaction


Quality assurance of education is one of the national policies that must be implemented in all schools in Indonesia. The school principal has three main tasks, namely managerial, supervisory, and entrepreneurial development which is guided by the National Education Standards as the basis for the education quality assurance policy. The education quality assurance policy has not been implemented properly so that public primary school report cards still show low scores, and this is due to the low commitment of school principals to implementing education quality assurance policies. Commitment to implementing education quality assurance policies is significantly influenced directly by organizational culture, interpersonal communication, achievement motivation, and job satisfaction. Organizational culture and interpersonal communication also have an indirect effect through achievement motivation and job satisfaction. Increased commitment for implementing quality assurance policies can be done by improving organizational culture, interpersonal communication, achievement motivation and job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Siregar, T. ., Milfayetty, S. ., Darwini, & Siregar, R. S. . (2021). Model for Improving the Commitment to Implementation of the Educational Quality Assurance Policy. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 55(2), 92–102. Retrieved from


