Study of Soil Improvement and Slope Protection on the Double Track Engineering Design Between Giham- Martapura


  • Lusmeilia Afriani Universitas Lampung, Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
  • Ma’ruf Amril Siregar Universitas Lampung, Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
  • Eko Oktario Hidayat Universitas Lampung, Jl. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumantri Brojonegoro No. 1, Lampung 35141, Indonesia


Railroad, Land, Double Track, Slope Protection


The train is a means of transportation favored by the community because the train is one of the modes of transportation that has special characteristics and advantages. Along with the development of infrastructure development in Lampung Province and South Sumatra Province, the planning and design of a building must be done carefully and well, one of them is by building a double track between Giham - Martapura, South Sumatra because the application of one track has many obstacles. It is hoped that the addition of the double track can make the train schedule more accurate and can improve the quality of the trip. Therefore, for the construction of this double track railroad, one of them is needed a layer of soil that is able to support the load and can improve the physical and mechanical properties of the soil. Based on the results of the Atterberg boundary test the soil originating from the undisturbed soil sample of the Giham-Martapura railroad gets an PI value <LL-30 (26.51% <27.95%), then the land based on the AASHTO system is classified into A -7-5 that is clay soil and as subgrade material has normal to poor evaluation. Based on the calculation results, the peel depth (excavation) for the improvement of subgrade in STA 188 + 300 - STA 188 + 600 is as deep as 1.7 m, but after using additional reinforcement with geogrid material with strength specifications 19 Kpa / m2 the peel depth (excavation) to repair subgrade to 0.5 m. So that there is an excavation efficiency of 70.5%.


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How to Cite

Afriani, L. ., Siregar , M. A. ., & Hidayat, E. O. . (2021). Study of Soil Improvement and Slope Protection on the Double Track Engineering Design Between Giham- Martapura. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 55(2), 103–115. Retrieved from


