Spread and Control of the Dynamics of HIV/AIDS-TB Co-infection in Ethiopia: A Mathematical Model Analysis


  • Yohannes Fissha Abebaw Department of Mathematics, Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan and 445, Ethiopia
  • Temesgen Tibebu Mekonnen Department of Mathematics, Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan and 445, Ethiopia


Nonlinear dynamical system, HIV/AIDS-TB co-infection, Stability Analysis, Basic Reproduction Number, Sensitive Analysis, Numerical Simulation


In this work we considered a nonlinear deterministic dynamical system to study the dynamics of HIV/AIDS-TB co-infection in Ethiopia. We found the system exhibit disease free equilibrium point and endemic equilibrium point. For the reproduction number  the disease-free equilibrium point is locally asymptomatically stable and the endemic equilibrium point is locally asymptomatically unstable. We calculate basic reproduction number of the HIV/AIDS-TB co-infection dynamical system which depends on six parameters. Using real data collected from different sectors in Ethiopia we found that the numerical value of the basic reproduction number is. This shows that HIV/AIDS–TB co-infection spread in the society. Using sensitive analysis, we identify the most influential control parameter is the HIV/AIDS-TB co-infection transmission rate. The HIV/AIDS-TB co-infection transmission rate which numerical value to be 0.021. But the real value of is 0.74, to be 0.74 in to 0.021 by fixing the number of contacts for HIV/AIDS-TB co-infection we decrease the effective number of contacts for HIV/AIDS-TB co-infection 74 to 21.  We also perform numerical simulation based on real data collected from different health sectors in Ethiopia.  


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How to Cite

Abebaw , Y. F. ., & Mekonnen , T. T. . (2021). Spread and Control of the Dynamics of HIV/AIDS-TB Co-infection in Ethiopia: A Mathematical Model Analysis. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 55(2), 11–34. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/12253


