Effectiveness of Promotional Media Using EPIC Model (A Case Study in Al Qadri Umrah and Hajj Bureau in Jakarta)


  • Anantama Wisetsa Akpindo, Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi Gg. H. Achmad R. Pondok Bambu, Jakarta 13430, Indonesia
  • Nova Eviana Akpindo, Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi Gg. H. Achmad R. Pondok Bambu, Jakarta 13430, Indonesia
  • Rudhi Achmadi Akpindo, Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi Gg. H. Achmad R. Pondok Bambu, Jakarta 13430, Indonesia


Promotion strategy, Promotional media, EPIC Model, Effectiveness, Umrah


An effective promotion strategy using the right promotional media can help the Al Qadri Umrah & Hajj to increasing sales of Umrah products. Analysis of the EPIC model is applied to measure the effectiveness of the company promotional strategy by using the four critical dimensions of the EPIC model. Assessments of empathy, persuasion, impact, and communication are applied to identify the effectiveness and weaknesses as well. The company is then able to formulate new strategies to overcome existing weaknesses. Using Slovin’s formula, the study involved 72 respondents. The results showed that the use of promotional media, those are Instagram, brochure, and exhibition, were considered effectively to support promotion strategy. Its persuasive and colorful wordings and images made Instagram more attractive and became the most effective promotional medium. 


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How to Cite

Wisetsa, A. ., Eviana, N. ., & Achmadi, R. . (2021). Effectiveness of Promotional Media Using EPIC Model (A Case Study in Al Qadri Umrah and Hajj Bureau in Jakarta). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 56(1), 322–334. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/12217


