The Effect of Demographic Factors on Intentions to Buy Domestic Products: Evidence from Indonesian Consumer


  • I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta 12710, Indonesia, Faculty of Human Ecology - IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
  • Sumardjo Faculty of Human Ecology - IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia


consumer demographic, intentions to buy, domestic product, consumer education


Free trade agreement between Indonesia and other countries created a threat for domestic entrepreneurs. Domestic products must face more intense competition in their own domestic markets because the Indonesian market is filled with imported products. This research aims to understand the effect of Indonesian consumer demographics on intentions to buy domestic products. This research decrypted the intentions of Indonesian to purchase domestic products based on demographic factors. The research method was a survey using a questionnaire. Samples were taken using judgment-sampling. There were 204 respondents involved in this research. This research found that Indonesian consumers' gender and income influenced their intentions to buy domestic products. In contrast, age and education did not affect their intentions to buy domestic products.


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How to Cite

Bakti, I. G. M. Y. ., & Sumardjo. (2021). The Effect of Demographic Factors on Intentions to Buy Domestic Products: Evidence from Indonesian Consumer. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 55(1), 45–58. Retrieved from


