Innovative Factors That Affect Financial Inclusion In Banking Industry. (A Case Study Of Equity Bank Mombasa County, Kenya).


  • sylvia mbithe wambua Jomo Kenyatta University of Technology and Agriculture(JKUAT)
  • Evelyne Datche


Innovative channels, Perceived risk, Perceived trust, Anti-money laundering, Ease of use.


The general objective of the study was to analyze the innovative factors that affect financial inclusion specifically focusing on perceived risk on innovated channels, trust and confidence on innovated delivery channels, user friendliness of innovated delivery channel and anti-money laundering requirement on the innovated delivery channels in Mombasa County. The study utilized the descriptive survey research design with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target population for the study was 20,585 equity customers operating in 5 branches within Mombasa County. The sample size for the study was 2000 customers. To ensure validity of the data collected, effort was made to ensure that the items in the instruments adequately address all the objectives of the study. The questionnaire were pilot-tested on 20 customers who were not part of the actual sample and the data obtained was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire, after checking the collected data for completeness, quantitative data was coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were applied in data analysis and findings were presented using frequency distributions, graphs and pie charts. The study found that innovated channels of distribution are generally underutilized, the banks that roll out new channels of distribution such as Agency banking, E-Banking and M-banking are still experiencing influx long queues inside their banking halls especially at enquiry and customer service counters despite these innovated channels.

Author Biography

sylvia mbithe wambua, Jomo Kenyatta University of Technology and Agriculture(JKUAT)

Department of Business and Economics school of Human Resource Department


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How to Cite

wambua, sylvia mbithe, & Datche, E. (2013). Innovative Factors That Affect Financial Inclusion In Banking Industry. (A Case Study Of Equity Bank Mombasa County, Kenya). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 12(1), 37–56. Retrieved from


