Erosion And Livelihood Change In North East Ghana: A Look Into The Bowl.


  • Philip Aniah Ayikene University for Development studies, Wa Upper West Region, Ghana
  • Emmauel Wedam
  • Modesta Pukunyiem
  • Gladys Yinimi


Soil erosion, apparent and root causes of erosion, socio-economic impacts, poverty, and population growth.


The study was carried out in the Upper East Region of Ghana, Bongo District, to assess the driving causes and effects soil erosion in the District and the Region at large. While soil erosion is widely recognized as reducing environmental resource capacity to provide for the populations, few studies have explicitly measured its effects on the rural farmer and the apparent root causes of erosion in the region. Upper East Region is particularly vulnerable to the effects of soil erosion with one of the highest rates of soil erosion in Ghana.

Author Biography

Philip Aniah Ayikene, University for Development studies, Wa Upper West Region, Ghana

Department of Development Studies, UDS, Senior Research Assistant


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How to Cite

Ayikene, P. A., Wedam, E., Pukunyiem, M., & Yinimi, G. (2013). Erosion And Livelihood Change In North East Ghana: A Look Into The Bowl. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 7(1), 28–35. Retrieved from


