Psycho-Sapiens – The Next Generation


  • Captain Alvin Yount Civil Air Patrol – U. S. Airforce Auxiliary, Chaplain’s Corp, Prescott, Arizona U.S.A. 86315


Love, Family, Traditional, Psycho, Sapiens


Introduction: The objective of this analysis is to determine what happened to dissipate the American family? Would it be logical to say the absence of love has contributed to the problem? Moreover, could the world’s shortage of pilots be directly related to the dissolution of families worldwide? If so, then could the answer to this shortage be found in morally conservative traditional families? Furthermore, has the birth control pill contributed to the dissolution of families worldwide?      Methods: This qualitative metanalysis has sampled the works of 18 renowned scholars published in the social sciences with respect to families and family developmental networks. Articles of original contributions published by each scholar were examined. The purpose of this analysis is to provide a more comprehensive description of the family and an assessment of the importance of love within family developmental units. Results: This qualitative metanalysis finds that living in a stable family environment, offering a network of close personal relationships, promotes a sense of rootedness and community necessary for success in today’s high-tech vocational environment. This qualitative metanalysis finds that the daily family speech event ended when television invaded the home, causing catastrophic damage to family communication networks. It was these family networks that instilled the sense of rootedness and community within our young adults. Indeed, loss of family communication networks to electronic devices, has limited the family from sharing emotions of anger, joy, sorrow, fear and, yes, passion. Moreover, this qualitative metanalysis finds that the pill brought society sexual freedom no longer requiring the sanction of marriage within the family unit.Conclusion: This study asserts we need a new generation of parents ready to administer tough love. Moreover, “Without a return to human love … there can be no hope for the survival of the species, homo sapiens.


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How to Cite

Yount, C. A. . (2020). Psycho-Sapiens – The Next Generation. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 54(1), 242–248. Retrieved from


