The Relationship Between Meal Timing and Body Mass Index Readings of College Students


  • Valeriya Marchenko Economics Department, Long Island University Post, 700 Northern Boulevard, Brookville, NY 11548, USA
  • Dr. Veronika Dolar Assistant Professor, Department of Politics, Economics and Law, State University of New York SUNY Old Westbury, Old Westbury, NY 11568, USA


Obesity, College Students, Meal Timing


In this study the relation between Body Mass Index (BMI) of college students and the timing of their food consumption was investigated to see if the timing of students’ meals affects their metabolism and BMI. For this study a survey was developed and disseminated using email distribution lists, and the survey link was shared using social media.  By applying the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression analysis results show that being older, female, and being a freshmen compared to being a senior contribute to higher BMI. In addition, less exercise, less smoking, more napping and more snacking contributed to a higher BMI. Finally, waking up later during school days, waking up earlier when there is no school, having lunch later when there is no school and lower frequency of food consumption per day were also correlated with higher BMI.


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How to Cite

Marchenko , V. ., & Dolar , D. V. . (2020). The Relationship Between Meal Timing and Body Mass Index Readings of College Students. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 53(1), 7–16. Retrieved from


