Priority Determination of Road Maintenance in Lumajang Regency Using the AHP Method


  • Heri Kurniawan Department of Civil Engineering, University of Jember, Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia
  • Anik Ratnaningsih Department of Civil Engineering, University of Jember, Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia
  • Akhmad Hasanuddin Department of Civil Engineering, University of Jember, Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia


AHP Method, Priority Determination, Road Maintenance


The inadequate conditions of road pavements can cause disruption to a community’s economic, social and religious activities. The care of the road pavement’s condition is done by many methods such as routine maintenance, and if necessary, road rehabilitation. The Lumajang District is divided into 368 roads with a length of 1.109 km spread across 21 sub-districts.  With the number of roads in the Lumajang District, there are difficulties in monitoring the condition of each and every road in the Lumajang district. This includes selecting and prioritizing the maintenance of the roads. Prioritizing and handling the management of the roads is done in this research using the AHP method. The result of the priority designation study shows the first factor “road condition” to be the value of 0.328 (32.8%). The second factor of “policy” has a value of 0.250 (25%). The third factor of “connectivity” has a value of 0.166 (16.6%). The fourth factor of “traffic volume” has a value of 0.136 (13.6%). And the last factor of “land use” has a value of 0.119 (11.9%).


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How to Cite

Kurniawan , H. ., Ratnaningsih , A. ., & Hasanuddin , A. . (2020). Priority Determination of Road Maintenance in Lumajang Regency Using the AHP Method. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 52(2), 149–160. Retrieved from


