Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of Sitophilus Zeamais in Countries of the Sahelo-Sudanian Zone (Senegal, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea Conakry)


  • Ngagne Demba Sarr Faculty of sciences and Technology, Department of Animal Biology, University Cheikh Anta DIOP Dakar, Senegal
  • Mama Racky Ndiaye Faculty of sciences and Technology, Department of Animal Biology, University Cheikh Anta DIOP Dakar, Senegal
  • Mbacké Sembène Faculty of sciences and Technology, Department of Animal Biology, University Cheikh Anta DIOP Dakar, Senegal


Sitophilus Zeamais, maize, Semi-arid zone, Cytochrome B


Maize is exploited substantially in the countries of the semi-arid zone of West Africa [5] where it plays essential economic and social functions. But these functions are seriously threatened by heavy losses, caused mainly by the corn weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) (Motschusky, 1855). This article aims to assess the genetic diversity of the insect in 5 countries in the semi-arid zone. This evaluation will highlight the country (ies) where the susceptibility of S. zeamais to survive or disappear is high, because the genetic diversity of a population is positively linked to its adaptive potential [12]. Exploitation of 60 sequences of the cytochrome b gene from insects from countries in the area (Senegal, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea Conakry) has led to the conclusion that genetic diversity is high in Senegal, Guinea Conakry but especially in Burkina Faso and Niger. These countries would therefore favor the adaptability of the insect. However, it is very low in Mali. Thus this country would be unfavorable to the survival of S. zeamais.


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How to Cite

Sarr, N. D. ., Ndiaye, M. R. ., & Sembène, M. . (2020). Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of Sitophilus Zeamais in Countries of the Sahelo-Sudanian Zone (Senegal, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea Conakry). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 51(2), 95–104. Retrieved from


