Determination of Dental Caries Incidence on Elementary School Students in Kendari City


  • Rahminingrum Pujirahayu Bina Husada Kendari of Polytechnic, Kendari City 93231, Indonesia


Caries, Dental


Teeth and mouth problems in Indonesia still require considerable attention to this day. This study aims to determine the determinants of dental caries in students in Kendari City. This study was an observational study with a cross-sectional analytic design. The location of this study was in primary schools in the working area of ??the Kendari City Health Office which was selected as the sample. The number of samples needed in this study was determined based on the proportion formula in two populations. The minimum numbers of samples needed were 100 students using a multistage random sampling technique with Proportional to Size probabilities. The statistical test used in this study is chi square with a value of ? = 0.05. The results showed that univariately it appears in table 1 that 51% of respondents had good tooth brushing habits, there were 66% of respondents still having the wrong manners to brush their teeth, there were 75% of respondents often eating cariogenic food, there were still 65% who did not do regular dental check up every 6 months. There is a relationship between variable brushing habits with the incidence of dental caries, has a p value = 0.001. There is a variable relationship between how to brush teeth with the incidence of dental caries, has a p value = 0.011. There is a relationship between variable cariogenic food consumption and the incidence of dental caries, which has a p value = 0,000. There is a relationship between variable periodic dental check with the incidence of dental caries, has a p value = 0,000. It was concluded that the habit of brushing teeth, how to brush teeth, the consumption of cariogenic foods, regular dental checkups were related to the incidence of dental caries.


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How to Cite

Pujirahayu, R. . (2020). Determination of Dental Caries Incidence on Elementary School Students in Kendari City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 49(2), 173–180. Retrieved from


