Effect of Understanding the Teaching of Karma Yoga and Empowerment of Poor Family Resource Management


  • Ade Krisna Permadhi Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia
  • A. A. I. N. Marhaeni Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia


Karma Yoga, Empowerment, Management of Family Resources


The poor work ethic of the poor is closely related to weak beliefs and an understanding of practical and actual values in working in accordance with the teachings of Karma Yoga. The teachings of karma yoga provide direction on how humans should live the meaning and nature of work in life that without work (karma) will not get anything, so it will cause poverty, where life's necessities may not be fulfilled based on a briefcase is an obligation and the nature of all humans , carried out unconditionally, not bound to the work and reward and for human welfare and social order. Karma Yoga is a source of spirituality work ethic in Hinduism. The Hindu view of work ethic is an attitude in working to achieve the perfection of life characterized by creativity, hard work without knowing despair, respect for time, cooperation and harmony, satya discourse, ethical efficiency and full of initiative. The poor work ethic of the poor is closely related to weak beliefs and an understanding of practical and actual values in working in accordance with the teachings of Karma Yoga so that it has an impact on the nature and character of pragmatic, consumptive, wasteful, and inefficient use of time productively. The level of understanding of the teachings of karma yoga as an internal factor is believed to be able to shape and influence the work ethic for its adherents so as to solve the problem of economic backwardness in responding to poverty that is accompanied by the support of community empowerment as an external factor to change the mental attitude of dependency and develop a work ethic, foster independence, and foster independence, raising awareness among the poor to carry out productive activities is believed to reduce poverty is a strategy deemed appropriate to improve the quality of life of poor families through better time, financial management and family management practices.


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How to Cite

Permadhi, A. K. ., & Marhaeni, A. A. I. N. . (2019). Effect of Understanding the Teaching of Karma Yoga and Empowerment of Poor Family Resource Management. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 48(7), 150–162. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/10596


