Empowerment of Foreign Manpower and Indonesian Manpower Through Developing Foreign Companies in Indonesia


  • Abubakar Iskandar State Administration Study Program, Djuanda University, Bogor Indonesia, State Administration Major, Djuanda University, Bogor, Indonesia


country of origin, language acquisition, skill work, transfer of knowledge competence


Efforts to empower those classified as powerless to be powerful, must pay attention to factors of education, scientific competence, and technical skills. All of these are the main resources in improving labor welfare. The causes of the powerlessness can be grouped into two things, namely socio-cultural and political factors and public policy factors. The purpose of this study is: comparing employment opportunities in foreign companies based on national origin; know job opportunities in foreign companies based on mastery of bagasa; explain job opportunities in foreign companies based on skills; analyze job opportunities in foreign companies based on the transfer of knowledge; analyze job opportunities in foreign companies based on scientific competence. The approach used in this research is descriptive, correlational analytic, and developmental. The research sample was 233 workers spread over 11 foreign companies. The data in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collected through interviews, observations, documentation and FGD. The results showed that the correlation between mastery of foreign languages ??with national origin was .816 ** meaning that the relationship between mastery of foreign languages ??with national origin was very close. The correlation between worker skills and country of origin is -.472 **, meaning that the relationship between skill workers and country of origin is very close. The correlation between worker skills and foreign language mastery is -.410 **, meaning that the relationship between worker skills and foreign language mastery is very close.

The correlation between workers' skills with the transfer of knowledge and transfer of jobs is .310 **, meaning that the relationship between the skills of workers and the transfer of knowledge and transfer of jobs is very close. The correlation between worker skills and scientific competence is -.162 *, meaning that the relationship between worker skills and scientific competence is quite close.


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How to Cite

Iskandar, A. . (2019). Empowerment of Foreign Manpower and Indonesian Manpower Through Developing Foreign Companies in Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 48(6), 128–149. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/10581


